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How to get a column all data in google app script

To get all the data in a column in Google App Script, you can use the getRange() method to define the range of the column and then use the getValues() method to retrieve the data.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to get all the data in a column:

app script
function getColumnData() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var columnData = sheet.getRange("A:A").getValues(); // Replace "A:A" with the column range you want to retrieve

// Loop through the column data and log each value
for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) {
Logger.log(columnData[i][0]); // The [0] is used to access the first (and only) element in each row of the column data

In this example, getActiveSheet() is used to get a reference to the active sheet in the current spreadsheet. getRange() is used to define the range of the column you want to retrieve (in this case, column A), and getValues() is used to retrieve all the data in that range. The resulting data is returned as a two-dimensional array, where each row represents a cell in the column and each element of the row represents a value or attribute of that cell (such as the value, the background color, or the font style).

The for loop is then used to loop through the column data and log each value to the console using Logger.log(). In this case, the [0] index is used to access the first (and only) element in each row of the column data, since we are only interested in the values themselves.

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